Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

  • We utilize a host of different chemical and natural ingredients for varying treatments on our patients. Each treatment is tailor made and is carried out with the utmost care to ensure the treatment for the specific condition is being administered.
  • Our peel depths range from very superficial to medium depth peels.
  • All peels are carried out in our rooms and are complemented with aftercare advice and expectation advice.
  • Chemical peels are the art of skin injury and healing. Various chemicals are delivered into the skin at required depths and according skin requirements for the specific condition. These substances are known as actives and will provoke the skin regeneration process in a controlled manner.
  • All medical grade peels administered by Dr.Singh and the downtime for various peels will be discussed with you at consultation including post care , follow up peels and complete instructions to maximize every treatment. Peels are selected on an individual basis with no one size fits all approach.
  • Peeling is used for treatment of skin conditions such as rosacea, acne, pigmentation, sunspots, scars, sun damage, oiliness and sun damage.
  • All peels are address specific skin concerns such as rosacea, acne, pigmentation, sunspots, scars, sun damage, oiliness and sun damage

Categories Of Peels

  • Anti-aging
  • Pigmentation Control
  • Illumination and radiance
  • Green Peel

Our peel range has been chosen for the efficacy and the result driven data behind their use. We utilize Dermaquest , Dr.Shrammeck range of products for our peeling regimes. Our range of peels have been chosen for its results and scientific.