Collagen Induction Therapy (C.I.T)

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Collagen Induction Therapy (C.I.T)

These various treatment options are focused on eliciting collagen production and is of particular necessity to approaching Anti-aging and a variety of other skin pathologies The use of neuromodulators and fillers address the symptom of the underlying process being the reduction in collagen content in the dermal and subdermal layers of the skin and surrounding tissue. Without ongoing collagen induction modalities of treatment, symptomatic treatment will eventually become less effective as the aging process advances.

Do I need collagen induction therapy?

I use the analogy of purchasing a shiny new car (This is the treatment such as Botox or filler) but after driving the car , it will require a regular service , if you don’t service the car , after a period of time the car will deteriorate in function . This is your skin; I am amazed at how little people realize the importance of regular collagen induction treatments. Collagen induction treatment ensure ongoing structural maintenance of the skin and underlying tissue and will reduce the signs of aging and skin requirements in the future. Always service your beauty regularly and ensure the vitality of your radiance with ongoing CIT.