As we begin to age, and our collagen and elastin fiber dermal concentrations begin to decline we find the dreaded “Lines” starting to form. Wrinkles are both static and dynamic in nature, static lines appear with advancing age whilst dynamic lines are only visible on animation of the face such as frowning or smiling. Sun damage is the primary cause of poor skin texture and pigmentation. If in reading this site you can take away anything from me, please ensure you have an adequate protection from the sun . Always wear sunblock, the older you will be deeply grateful that you did.
Treatment rated according to pain intensity and discomfort.
Some treatments do incur mild to moderate pain, I have tried my best to give you a pain score rating for each treatment for your understanding, however I do offer in practice sedation and utilize latest techniques to alleviate pain
Every effort is taken to ensure minimal pain during and after our procedures which include but are not limited to Topical or local anesthetic, pre procedural administration of medication and post procedural medication.