

Both these areas can be addressed with neuromodulators successfully. The art of neuromodulator administration is one of my favorite procedures as there is a definite creation of beauty when deciding how and where to inject. When to start injections is definitely based on the person, however scientific studies have shown a long-term reduction in the development of static wrinkles on those who have started injections earlier in life, from late 20’s onwards. Based on the starting anti-wrinkle injection in your late 20’s is deemed to have a beneficial effect as a person ages.

  • Botox® is injected directly into the muscles causing wrinkles thus causing temporary paralysis of these muscles and reducing wrinkles. Excellent and safe procedure.
  • Common Aesthetic treatment areas include forehead, crow’s feet, nose and chin but advanced uses include the Nefertiti Lift where the neuromodulator is injected along the jaw line to create more symmetry and rid goblet areas and excessive sagging due to the downward pull of neck muscles.
  • Another advanced use includes the alleviation of Platysmal bands in the neck & facial slimming.
  • Relatively pain free procedure, typically lasting 20-30min depending on area being injected.
  • Medical uses of Neuromodulators include treatment of Bruxism (Teeth Clenching), Trigeminal Neuralgia, contractures.

The Process

  • Each patient is carefully assessed, and the areas of concern are marked out.
  • Topical anesthetic is then applied to areas where Botox will be performed.
  • The application of a blue LED phototherapy light is applied for about 20 minutes thus enhancing the antibacterial action prior to injection.
  • Dr BAS takes sterility and patient safety very seriously and each step is performed with meticulous consideration.